Thursday, February 5, 2009

February 5th 2009

Life has been pretty crazy since giving birth to Ryan in November. He is now 3 months old and growing so fast! I didn't know I could love someone so much so fast =)
Me and his dad Albert are still together. We have our fights and I seriously thought about leaving a few times but we always work it out. He has been hinting around about an engagement soon. I know he's getting me a ring for Valentines day because he asked my ring size haha. He said its only a ''promise ring'' because hes gonna really save and plan and surprise me with an engagement one later...
I am in the process of getting a new job. I take the assessment test tomorrow and if I pass ill have the job. Yaaaaay. lol. The only thing is i don't know if i can handle working full time and taking care of Ryan. This will be my first full time job! Then there's the issue of childcare for him. I don't want to leave him with just anyone. I don't even want to leave him with Alberts dad because he hasn't been around a baby for 21 years!! My sister said she can watch him so that should help.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I met Albert through a now ex boyfriend. Kinda random I know. I met him while he was working at Pizza Hut. We started hanging out after I broke up with my loser Boyfriend. I would go to his house and we would watch movies. Sometimes I would fall asleep and wake up at 3am! I would freak out and yell "WHAT TIME IS IT??!?!?!" because my grandma had given me a curfew of midnight on weeknights and 2 on weekends! I would drive all the way from Riverside to Yucaipa and sneak back into my grandparents house. I was so bad!!
We officially became boyfriend/girlfriend on New Years Day of 2008. He was so cute! we were talking and he just randomly asked me to be his girlfriend =] Well about a month later I thought I could be pregnant. Uh Oh!! I took a test the week before valentines day and it was negative. OK Awesome I'm not pregnant!! Yaaay. I was so relieved. I was not ready for a kid and neither was Albert! A few days past and still no period... hmmmm whats going on? I thought. I made a Dr apt and went on valentines day. Great! I thought. This will be a horrible V-Days gift if I am! Went to the Dr and it was.... Negative!!! Sweeeet This time I thought for sure I was gonna start any day now. No such luck. They said to come back in a week if it still hadn't come. It didn't.... I decided to just buy a freakin test so I went to Walgreen's and got one. 20 bucks down the drain for a stupid test! Well I had to get the 3 pack in case it was negative lol.I took it the night I bought it... still negative. I called the Dr and told them and they decided to run some tests to make sure I was OK cuz I never missed a period. EVER. Well the day before the apt I was texting my friend Adriane and told her I was gonna take another test but I was so scared! I just knew I was pregnant. She convinced me to do it. I peed and waited. I didn't want to look at it! I eventually did. Sure enough it was positive. I couldn't even text her back I was crying so hard! NO this cant be happening were my thoughts. I was supposed to be the good girl! I was not ready for a baby. Albert didn't even want kids! I finally composed myself and sent her a pic of the test. She was very supportive. She said she loved me and would be here for me through it all. Ok awesome. But now I had to tell Albert. He was at work so I text him telling him to come home as soon as he was off because I had to tell him something very important. We had already talked about this many times. He was constantly asking if I had started yet. He got home a couple hours later. As soon as he walked into the room he just knew by the look on my face. Hes like "your pregnant huh" Yep I say. I started crying again. I think he was too. He turned away from me for a long time. =/ We eventually talked about it and I thought things were ok. A few months past during which his friends told him a bunch of lies about me. Said I slept with this person and that. All lies!! He believed them unfortunately. He decided the baby wasn't his and kicked me out in April. I was living with my sis for awhile. I eventually moved in with the Millias family. I didn't really talk to him from June til August. We talked maybe 3 times. I saw him once. We met up for a smoothie one day to talk about the baby that would soon be here. He agreed to let me move back in. He apologized for everything he had done. Said he was ready to be a dad now. One condition though... We had to get a paternity test. Ok perfect then his worries will all be gone since I knew this baby was his! A few months pass during which we get the things that we need for the baby. By this point I am super excited to meet the little kicker that had been living in me for almost 9 months! I was due October 31st. Halloween! I really didn't want a Halloween baby. The 31st came and went and still no baby. I was going to the Dr every couple days to get checked. The night of the 2nd I stared having contractions. They started around 7pm but they weren't anything regular. By midnight they were 5 min apart. 2 hours passed and they were still 5 min apart. Albert was sleeping. I was getting the last few things we needed in my hospital bag. I was pretty sure I was going to the hospital that night! I wake him up and he was so sleepy he fell back asleep. I woke him back up telling him we needed to get to the hospital I was in too much pain to wait any longer. By the time we got there my contractions were 3 min apart. I checked in at 2:30am. The nurse examined me and i was dilated to a 2. She said to walk around for an hour and she would check me again and if I wasn't any farther then I would have to go home. We walked all over the hospital. I was at a 3 1/2 so she said i could stay. She hooked me up to the monitors and started my antibiotics for my GBS. She also gave me something to help with the pain. I slept til about 6 and the Dr came in and induced me. I got an epidural and he broke my water. Yaay my baby boy was on his way! I was able to sleep a little bit but at 12 I was fully awake. I had been texting and calling people all day to let them know my progress. I fell asleep again and woke around 2:30. I was in so much pain! Every time I had a contraction I felt like I was gonna die which was every 2 min! I called the nurse back in and told her what was going on. She had checked me about an hour before and I was at a 4 1/2. She decided to check me again and then talk to the Dr about giving me more epidural. Well I was at a 10! I went from a 4 to a 10 in just an hour. She told me to get ready cuz I was gonna push in 10 min. 10 min!!! Yikes! my best friend Adriane wasn't even there yet! I text her and told her to hurry up and get there. She got there in 5 min! Good thing she lives so close =] I started pushing around 4:15pm and my baby boy Ryan Drake Lugo was born at 5:33pm on November 3rd. 8 lbs 1oz 20 inches long! I cried my eyes out when he finally was born. It was the best moment of my entire life.

How it Started

I was adopted when I was 4 years old. I don't remember very much before that time. What i do remember aren't good things. I have 2 bio sisters and 1 bio brother. I have 2 adopted brothers and 2 adopted sisters. I had a fairly good childhood. In fact it was probably better then most. I had a wonderful mom and a crazy dad. Dad ended leaving because he was abusive. I loved growing up in a big family. I look back and get sad at all the things that are different now. When i was 16 I graduated from my Homeschool Highschool. I Started going to CCBC (Calvary Chapel Bible College) later that year. I met some amazing people. I still talk to a few of them. After i got kicked out of there (long story) I pretty much was on lock down by my mom which caused alotta problems for us. I started rebelling like crazy. It ended up getting me kicked outta the house and I'm not proud of it. things between my family and I are still pretty awful. i don't really talk to my mom. that's her choice though. i have tried anything and everything i can do "get on her good side" and nothing has worked. i do talk to all of my other family my aunts and uncles etc. I have had a pretty rough couple years. I have lived with so many different people! I lived with my neighborss for awhile and when i needed to move from there I lived with my bio grandparents. After that didnt work out like i thought it would I moved in with my boyfriend. Probably not the best idea but i didnt have another option at the time. I ended up pregnant but ill tell that story later. He kicked me out a few months later and I moved in with my Bio sister Vanessa. She got tired of me not paying rent(I couldnt find a job cuz no one wanted to hire a prego) and she kicked me out to. That night and for 2 nights after I stayed with My Bio dad. I then got in touch with an old friend of mine named Bekah who had told me that if I ever needed a place to stay to call her up. Well I did and her mom said I could stay. They also had another friend living there already so the house had 7 people and 2 babies! It was kinda crazy but I honestly loved it. It gave me that sense of family I had been wanting since I moved outta my moms. During the time I was there I started talking to my baby daddy/x boyfriend again. We got on good terms and he agreed to let me move in because I wasnt able to pay the new amount of rent at the Millias'. I moved out of there in early September. We still talk and visit. They're like my family! I am now living with my Boyfriend and his family.
Well thats pretty much the story of how things all began!